PPTX Repair Kit 2.5
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PPTX Repair Kit 2.5

PPTX Repair Kit can restore the contents of a damaged PPTX file
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PPTX Repair Kit is a simple and straightforward tool that can help you repair corrupted PPTX files and restore the data that they contain. It can deal only with PowerPoint presentations that come in the form of PPTX files, as other PowerPoint formats like PPS, PPT, or PPTM are not supported.

PPTX Repair Kit is a very easy-to-use program thanks to its neat and intuitive wizard-like interface that guides the users step-by-step through the recovery process. Unfortunately, once the loaded PowerPoint files are scanned for recoverable data, you can recover that data only if you have a version of PowerPoint installed. Furthermore, the free trial version of PPTX Repair Kit retrieves only a limited amount of the recoverable PowerPoint data. If you want the complete recovery, then you have to purchase and register the full version.

Another remarkable advantage is the fact that PPTX Repair Kit comes with decent file analysis speed and the reasonable price for the full version.

As you can see, there are both flaws and cool things when it comes to this app, but since dealing with corrupted PPTX files is quite an unpleasant situation, any help is welcome, including the one potentially offered by PPTX Repair Kit. So, in my opinion, it's worth a try, as it may save you the day when facing the possibility of forever lost PowerPoint data.

MS Senior editor
Margie Smeer
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Review summary


  • Easy-to-use wizard-like interface
  • Reasonable price of the full version
  • Decent file analysis speed


  • The interface cannot be customized
  • Only PPTX files can be processed (PPT, PPS, PPTM, etc - are not supported)
  • Requires a version of PowerPoint to be installed so that it will do its recovery job

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rating Andrey
Very good software!

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